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First HK Tech Forum at CityU
城大香港高等研究院於7月26至27日舉行HK Tech Forum系列的數據科學和人工智能論壇。全球多位卓越數據科學及人工智能專家出席,共同探討如何解決相關領域的挑戰,推動技術發展,以造福社會。
Harry and Indra Bange Gallery’s new exhibition
城大將於2022年下半年舉行六場HK Tech Forum論壇,匯聚全球頂尖學者,包括多位諾貝爾獎及圖靈獎得主發表專題演講。
Hon Fellow
CityU secures research funding from the RGC to tackle the global public health threat from hypervirulent, multidrug-resistant pathogens
Deep learning tool improves chicken welfare by identifying distress calls
City University of Hong Kong is rated seventh among the top 10 Chinese universities in the Greater China area, covering the mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. In the same study by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, CityU ranks 332 in the top 500 universities worldwide, the third highest Hong Kong institution on the list.
SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) tend to seek short-term survival strategies in an economic downturn. However, such strategies are not good enough to support a business in the long term.
Parents intend to provide the best for their children. But is their best good enough in the eyes of the children themselves? According to a survey done by a group of CityU's third-year marketing students, improved communication between parents and children at an earlier stage, and a higher level of autonomy for children, allows more and enhances effective learning.



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