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CityU clinches National Teaching Achievement Award
由城大社會及行為科學系郭黎玉晶教授領導的JUMP教學項目 ,榮獲國家教育部頒發2022年高等教育(本科)國家級教學成果獎二等獎。
Starting a new chapter after retirement
Timely forum examines breakthroughs and issues in AI and data science
City University's third annual WebCourse Fair 2003 kicked off on 14 January with a virtual exhibition showcasing the use of the Internet for teaching and learning. Around 30 teaching staff members shared online how they make use of audio-visual learning packages, online quizzes, self-assessment tools and 3D animations to stimulate students' interest.
Two CityU projects on nanomaterials and nanostructures, initiated by the Department of Physics and Materials Science, have received their fair share of funding support from the Research Grants Council (RGC) central allocation 2002-03.
Has CityU made up its mind on how to deal with the looming crisis of the budget crunch, in the face of cutbacks in government funding? Is delinking our salaries from those of the civil service, with a consequential cut in our paychecks, already on the cards? If you have paid attention to what our President, Professor H K Chang, has said to the newspapers over the past few days, the answers seem to have been set in stone.



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