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Chinese Culture Quarterly, launched 27 June by City University's Chinese Civilisation Centre (CCIV), is an academic journal designed to promote research and ongoing discussion of various aspects of Chinese culture among scholars worldwide.
At the Government House on 27 June, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) presented prestigious Fellow Grade certificates to three City University of Hong Kong professors:
The first IT training and certification programme officially recognized by the mainland government is to be operated by CityU, helping bring Hong Kong's standard of assessment for IT education in line with the national certification standard, and thereby enhancing mainland job prospects for local talent.
Creativity, dynamism, commitment-the spirit of the students of the Division of Building Science and Technology (BST) was on display at Built Expo 2003 on 9 and 10 June.
"South Asian people have been living in our community for years. They hold valid identity cards. Some can even speak fluent Cantonese. But somehow, we seem to have ignored them; they seldom come into contact with us. Why?" Final year Social Work student, Keith Wun, has been inspired to think hard about the question while working as an active member of the Social Integration Project for Ethnic Minority People in Hong Kong.
The malfunctioning of the U-shaped water trap (U-trap), identified as one of the causes for the environmental transmission of the SARS virus at Amoy Gardens, has drawn public attention to the performance of the existing sewage and drainage systems in buildings.



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