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為了延續對南亞海嘯災民的關懷,應用社會科學系近二十名師生和校友組成籌委會,籌辦「愛南亞 重建家」計劃,希望在印尼亞齊省重建兒童之家,並將於今年暑假安排師生到災區考察及參與義務工作。
On 20 November, CityU alumni from different fields of studies and years of graduation rejoined at the University to celebrate the 20th anniversary. They were unified in their support for the alma mater at the Alumni Banquet and shared the insights of a successful leader at the Leaders’ Forum.
The Proud of 20 team completed the 100-km charity walk,7 November, making a record for CityU. Proud of 20 completed a 100-km charity walk early Sunday morning on 7 November, achieving a record when 30 CityU staff, alumni and students walked in unison across the finishing line.
Just one week before their charity walk across the 100-km MacLehose Trail, the Proud of 20 team pledged at this year's CityU Banquet, 29 October,to make the University proud and appealed for more staff and students to help the group set a record for CityU.
Four lecture theatres were named in honour of six business leaders, in recognition of their achievements in their respective industries, and their contributions to higher education and the community.



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