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Executive programme for Russian officials
Best paper awards at international conferences
Cultural workshops strengthen social inclusion through VR
EIM-OC Gold Campus
城大於10月4日舉行「運動是良藥 - 邁向EIM-OC金校園」活動啟動禮,顯示校方對邁向「健康大學」的支持。
在2002年7月才剛剛從澳洲梅鐸大學抵港作為期六個月交換生的Tomas Collins,對城大及香港的生活感到十分興奮。現正修讀公共及社會行政學系三年級課程的Tomas說:「這真是一次大開眼界的生活體驗。我對香港及本地學生能說多種語言留下特別深刻的印象。在澳洲,英語是通用語言,但城大的同學都卻能說流利的英語、廣東話及普通話。」
CityU's 2000-2001 Annual Report and Financial Report won a Bronze prize in the Non-profit Making and Charitable Organization category in the 2002 Best Annual Reports Awards organized by the Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA). At a ceremony on 16 December, Professor Y S Wong, Vice-President for Administration, received a trophy on behalf of the University from the organizer.
A forum aimed at encouraging local companies to become learning organizations was held at CityU on 13 December. Organized by the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management (MEEM), the Forum for Industrial Learning Organizations attracted representatives from 11 local companies. The forum was also an opportunity for CityU researchers and collaborating companies to share their findings and experiences.
A two-day residential workshop was held on 21-22 December in which 48 CityU's final year management students gained insightful knowledge on developing key competencies as human resources and international business professionals.
Art is art; technology is, well, technology. Their paths seldom cross, right? Not in the case of Body Brush, an advanced computer-aided tool pioneered by CityU's Professor Horace Ip to merge the two to produce stunning artistic results.



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