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Four grants of over HK$1 million each were awarded to CityU in the latest round of Research Grants Council (RGC) applications. Three projects are related to linguistics and language information sciences, while the fourth is about marine biology.
Mr Charles Wong, Director of CityU's School of Continuing and Professional Education, is on the 2003 Chief Executive Honours List published by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government on 1 July.
CityU's endeavours to tap into the scientific and technological potential of the Pearl River Delta are based on a two-pronged approach. In May this year, the University opened its Zhuhai Applied Research Centres, making it the first local tertiary institution to set up a research base in Guangdong's Southern Software Park, on the western side of the river estuary.
Three climbing robots designed by CityU's Centre for Intelligent Design, Automation and Manufacturing (CIDAM) have scaled new heights at the 2002 Hong Kong Awards for Industry, where they won the Chinese Manufacturing Association Machinery and Equipment Design Award.
Among its many suggestions, the recent Sutherland Report on Higher Education in Hong Kong recommends that each university's governing body carry out a review of the "fitness" of its governance and management structure.
Among its many suggestions, the recent Sutherland Report on Higher Education in Hong Kong recommends that each university's governing body carry out a review of the "fitness" of its governance and management structure.



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