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Top electrical engineering scholar at CityU wins highly prestigious IEEE award
城大協理副校長(策略研究)兼電機工程學系講座教授謝智剛教授,榮獲2022年IEEE CASS Charles A. Desoer 科技成就獎,是首位獲此殊榮的香港學者。
Welcoming new Council appointee
Eminent US mathematicians awarded CityU’s William Benter Prize
城大頒授「William Benter應用數學獎」予兩位顯赫的數學家,以表彰他們對運用數學解決跨學科問題作出重大貢獻。
CityU co-hosts online science and tech conference with Nature journals; pre-launch for CityU’s HK Tech Forum
CityU, PCCW Solutions to co-develop Smart City solutions
Vision, intellect, critical thinking, team building and effective communication are essential skills for leaders in a democratic regime, Ms Fanny Law, Secretary for Education and Manpower, told participants at the opening ceremony of the Student Leadership Conference 2001.
Students from eight local tertiary institutions explored and sharpened their leadership skills through seminars, forums and workshops at the Student Leadership Conference 2001. But there was more to the conference than learning the qualities of leadership.
A bugle call has been sounded for the reform of CityU's undergraduate education, as the march began last week in the University's battle to redraw its "AURORA" development strategy.
One of the most important environmental issues of our time—marine pollution—is being examined and discussed at the Third International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology.
French is one of the major languages of the world. It is the official language of 33 countries. More than 131 million people speak French. There are more than 400 French companies and 5,000 French nationals or French speakers living in Hong Kong.



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