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Professor Alfred Ho Tat-kei elected Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration
Hungary’s Foreign Minister analyses geopolitical concerns for Europe and China ahead of Belt and Road Summit at Distinguished Lecture at CityU
匈牙利外交與對外經濟部部長Péter Szijjártó先生於9月13日在城大主持傑出講座,內容重點圍繞匈牙利在高度複雜地緣政治壓力下,所面對的實體安全與經濟安全顧慮。
CityU's advanced know-how and technologies are making an impact on the socio-economic development on Hong Kong and the region. Two CityU subsidiary companies, CityU Enterprises Ltd and CityU Professional Services Ltd reported robust growth in 2004 at their joint annual dinner, on 2 February.
Twenty-eight course participants in their mid-50's to late 80's, explored what it is like to learn in a university environment, 16 to 20 August, in a 'Mini-U' programme organized by CityU Professional Services Ltd and sponsored by Po Leung Kuk.
A 21-member delegation from the Southwest University of Political Science and Law received training in public administration and higher education, organized by the CityU Professional Development Centre, 20 to 26 July, 2004.
In a further push into the mainland China market, a five-member delegation from CityU visited Wuhan in the province of Hubei , 5-8 July 2004. The main purpose of the trip was to ascertain the training needs of relevant Hubei provincial government offices and to explore possibilities for CityU to offer training programmes to Hubei civil servants.
In a move to further promote CityU's provision of professional training and development programmes to meet the needs of the region, in particular the mainland, the CityU Professional Services Ltd establishes the CityU Professional Development Centre in June to facilitate development in this area.



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