
正在顯示 31 至 40 筆資料(共 47 筆資料)
CityU's advanced know-how and technologies are making an impact on the socio-economic development on Hong Kong and the region. Two CityU subsidiary companies, CityU Enterprises Ltd and CityU Professional Services Ltd reported robust growth in 2004 at their joint annual dinner, on 2 February.
1月21日,大約 40位來自不同學術及行政部門的城大教職員與高層管理人員聚集在校長張信剛教授家裏,就香港高等教育國際化問題交流意見。
Starting next semester CityU students will be broadening their horizons and getting more acquainted with the workplace with the launch of the On-campus Service-Learning Scheme.
Two CityU enterprises have been recognized for excellence in industrial performance. e.Energy Technology Ltd and Plasma Technology Ltd were awarded at the presentation ceremony of the 2004 Hong Kong Awards for Industry, 15 November.
CityU Enterprises Ltd, the extension arm of City University that helps to commercialize research outcomes, technologies and innovations through technology transfer and the development of viable businesses in the community, has welcomed two new companies in the past few months.



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