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城大將頒授榮譽博士學位予鍾瑞明先生、林百里博士、李開復博士、Jean-Marie Lehn教授及李國能首席法官,以表彰他們對教育及社會福祉的重大貢獻。
City University of Hong Kong is rated seventh among the top 10 Chinese universities in the Greater China area, covering the mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. In the same study by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, CityU ranks 332 in the top 500 universities worldwide, the third highest Hong Kong institution on the list.
SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) tend to seek short-term survival strategies in an economic downturn. However, such strategies are not good enough to support a business in the long term.
Parents intend to provide the best for their children. But is their best good enough in the eyes of the children themselves? According to a survey done by a group of CityU's third-year marketing students, improved communication between parents and children at an earlier stage, and a higher level of autonomy for children, allows more and enhances effective learning.
A select group of 107 form seven students recently had their very first taste of university life thanks to the Business Leadership Camp organized by the Faculty of Business. The camp was held 27 and 28 June, one week before the release of Hong Kong's Advanced Level Examination results. The participants were impressed by the academic excellence of the Faculty and of CityU. Many expressed an interest in joining the Faculty in September.
Medical staff wears protective face masks and gowns when working in wards for highly infectious diseases such as SARS. But how can a virus be prevented from transferring from the clothing into the public? And how can we ensure that medical staff will not contract a virus as the clothing is removed? An "air shower" facility currently under development by the Department of Building and Construction (BC) may provide a solution.
Hong Kong people are more likely to work overtime without complaint than people in Shanghai and Taipei, but they derive less sense of pride from their work, a recent CityU survey showed. The researchers warn that the lack of appreciation Hong Kong people receive for their work might impair their competitiveness in the long term, though they a enjoy competitive edge in the short term, thanks to their willingness to work long hours.
CityU fosters creative ties by bringing together young people with different cultural and social backgrounds — students from the School of Creative Media (SCM) and from the Beijing Film Academy (BFA).
Professor Michael Yang of the Biology and Chemistry Department led a CityU research team to discover an anti-fibrosis and anti-cancer compound called "Fibroscutum" it was announced 3 July. The research project, based on experiments with Wei Jia, an existing Class 1 drug in China, was commissioned by LifeTec Group Limited (LifeTec).



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