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香港城市大學十位教研人員獲科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)選為2018年高度被引用研究人員。
城大電腦工程和資訊科技系成功研究開發「實時語音口形匹配和臉部動畫系統」, 將人和動物的圖像製成動畫, 配合聲音訊息,應用於互聯網及手機上。
Twenty-three Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) students have formed two teams to enter the Robocon Hong Kong Contest -- Lovers' Reunion on 20 June. The winning team in the Hong Kong contest will represent Hong Kong at the ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2004 (ABU Robocon) in Seoul, Korea, in September.
The first IT training and certification programme officially recognized by the mainland government is to be operated by CityU, helping bring Hong Kong's standard of assessment for IT education in line with the national certification standard, and thereby enhancing mainland job prospects for local talent.
City University will join forces with an IT firm to promote the education of Linux. A signing ceremony between the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT) and Thiz Technology Group Ltd, a pioneer developer of the Linux platform and business software applications, took place on 4 March at CityU.
Representatives from the government, the private sector and academia debated how the advancement of knowledge through research could play a role in boosting Hong Kong's economy at a forum in the Wei Hing Theatre on 4 December. The forum kicked off the Postgraduate Research Expo 2002, organized by the CityU Postgraduate Association to showcase our graduate students' research talent and achievements.
CityU's endeavours to tap into the scientific and technological potential of the Pearl River Delta are based on a two-pronged approach. In May this year, the University opened its Zhuhai Applied Research Centres, making it the first local tertiary institution to set up a research base in Guangdong's Southern Software Park, on the western side of the river estuary.



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