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數學系的菲立普希阿雷講座教授,獲羅馬尼亞布加勒斯特大學頒授Doctor Honoris Causa榮譽博士學位,以表揚他在研究及學術領域上的卓越成就。
The University has identified six possible sites for the construction of the Community College of City University (CCCU) building on campus and is now in the process of seeking university-wide consultation.
Over 450 Form 7 students flocked to IT workshops offered by CityU's Division of Computer Studies, from 20 July to 8 August, 2004. They gained hands-on experience working with programmes such as Java.
CityU scores first place in the number and level of grant awards in the “Electrical and Electronic Engineering”and “Mathematics”disciplines in the 2004-05 Competitive Earmarked Research Grants exercise.
The International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications at City University 28-31 May, 2004, attracted numerous prominent academics of the mathematics world.
On 10 May the University Grants Committee (UGC) made an announcement concerning the Academic Development Proposals (ADPs) submitted by the eight UGC-funded institutions for the 2005-08 triennium. CityU’s proposal to make creative media a growth / priority area was endorsed. Out of the 840 second year intake top-up places that UGC allocated to the eight institutions, CityU received 210 places, the second largest number.
CityU and the University of Paris Dauphine signed a cooperation agreement on 13 May to launch a joint Master of Science in Mathematics for Finance and Actuarial Science degree--the first of its kind in Hong Kong.
“The rapid development of technology induces significant changes in the design, construction and facilities of modern buildings and our living environment,” said Mrs Julie Mo, Head of the Division of Building Science and Technology (BST), who opened the Built Expo, 2-3 April 2004.
CityU's College of Higher Vocational Studies signed a collaborative agreement with Coventry University in the UK on 9 February to launch a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Information Technology. It is the first full-time top-up degree programme in IT and e-commerce related fields jointly put forth by the College's Division of Computer Studies and an overseas institution.



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