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Three climbing robots designed by CityU's Centre for Intelligent Design, Automation and Manufacturing (CIDAM) have scaled new heights at the 2002 Hong Kong Awards for Industry, where they won the Chinese Manufacturing Association Machinery and Equipment Design Award.
Among its many suggestions, the recent Sutherland Report on Higher Education in Hong Kong recommends that each university's governing body carry out a review of the "fitness" of its governance and management structure.
Among its many suggestions, the recent Sutherland Report on Higher Education in Hong Kong recommends that each university's governing body carry out a review of the "fitness" of its governance and management structure.
As part of its community service initiatives, the Public Affairs Office (PAO) has published a handy 32-page reference booklet for media and other members of the community who want to contact CityU's faculty members.
CityU's Professor Yeshayahu Lifshitz and a group of scientists from the University's Center of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films have removed a difficult hurdle that has long plagued the progress of diamond science and technology.



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