
正在顯示 81 至 90 筆資料(共 95 筆資料)
Putonghua learners now will be able to master the tones and intonation more accurately thanks to new online Putonghua learning software developed by Ms Sze Mei, Lecturer in CityU's Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, and Dr Peng Gang, Research Fellow of the Department of the Electronic Engineering.
"More confident and with better interpersonal skills..." is how Year 2 Chinese, Translation and Linguistics student Roanne Law expects to be after participating in the 2004 Student Leadership Conference (SLC). Such anticipated changes are not exclusive to Roanne, all participants expect the SLC to make a difference in their lives.
The Language Engineering Laboratory led by Professor (Chair) William S Y Wang in CityU's Department of Electronic Engineering, and the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, is collaborating with the Santa Fe Institute (SFI) on studies of the emergence of language.
"Each city needs its own cultural positioning," Visiting Professor Dr Lung Yingtai, an influential Chinese writer of international stature and former Director of Taipei's Cultural Affairs Bureau, said. "Culture is not just about dancing and singing. It is an industry that forms an important part of a country's overall strength," she told more than 20 reporters in a press conference held at CityU, 27 August.
How many times have you said this to yourself: "I have such a lot of desk work to deal with--how can I spare time to read?" Indeed, we are all busy workers, but as President H K Chang has so often pointed out, we must also take time to develop our minds?ot only in our areas of expertise, but in other disciplines as well.



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