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城大與清華大學合辦的MPA+ EMBA學位課程8月24日在北京舉行首屆開學典禮。城大校長郭位教授在典禮上發表演說,鼓勵學生營商時應顧及社會責任。
城大將頒授榮譽博士學位予Michael Kotlikoff教授、梁智鴻醫生,以表彰他們對教育及社會福祉的重大貢獻。
Some 288 library professionals from Hong Kong, the mainland, Taiwan, Japan and the US gathered at CityU’s Wei Hing Theratre, 30 November and 1 December, to attend the 5th Hong Kong Innovative Users Group (HKIUG) meeting, hosted by the Run Run Shaw Library.
Renowned Turkish writer, Mr Orhan Pamuk, concluded the Distinguished Lecture Series with a discussion on Ottoman painting and the influence of Western art on Eastern painting—the predominant theme of his prize winning novel, My Name Is Red. His lecture attracted a full house at the Wei Hing Theatre, 25 November.
Professor Zhu Qingshi, President of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), talked about Chinese traditional culture and the advancement of science in a lecture titled “Dialogue between Technology and Culture in Everyday life", 19 November, organized by the Chinese Civilisation Centre to celebrate CityU's 20th anniversary.
On 20 November, CityU alumni from different fields of studies and years of graduation rejoined at the University to celebrate the 20th anniversary. They were unified in their support for the alma mater at the Alumni Banquet and shared the insights of a successful leader at the Leaders’ Forum.
Starting next semester CityU students will be broadening their horizons and getting more acquainted with the workplace with the launch of the On-campus Service-Learning Scheme.



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