
正在顯示 41 至 46 筆資料(共 46 筆資料)
The 17th Congregation marked a new chapter in the lives of this year's 6,864 graduates. Upon their shoulders rests the future, and CityU's President Professor H K Chang reminded them in his address, "You cannot plot out your life story and anything is possible," he said. "With hard work and determination you can succeed in anything you do and go anywhere you choose. The future is yours."
Linguistics scholars from every corner of the world gathered at CityU between 1-3 February for the 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, and for the First International Conference on Modern Chinese Grammar for the New Millennium.
CityU's Language Information Sciences Research Centre (LISRC) launched a Celebrity Roster for Chinese news media on the Web on 1 January 2001. Updated every fortnight, the Roster is an index of the top 25 most newsworthy celebrities who have appeared in the news media in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Beijing in the previous two weeks.



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