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英國蘇瑞大學前任校長Patrick Dowling教授在主講本年度城大傑出講座系列第一講時指出,在現今競爭激烈的知識型經濟社會,大學所擔當的角色更為重要。
城大將於2月17日舉行本年度傑出講座系列第一講,邀得英國蘇瑞大學前任校長Patrick Dowling教授分享他在「通往一流應用研究大學之路」的獨特見解。
A delegation of 16 representatives from the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (HKSTP) and its incubatee companies visited City University's Wireless Communications Laboratory 5 March, on the lookout for possible collaboration opportunities between the University and industry.
Six outstanding engineering students, three each from the City University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, shared the honours at the 2002 IEEE Hong Kong Student Paper Contest awards. The awardees presented their winning papers and achievements of their innovative research projects at the award presentation ceremony held on 22 February at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
"Whatever you do, do it with your best." By a spirit of perseverance, Mr Kenji Yum Tsz-yin, an electronic engineering graduate this year, clinched the championship in the IEE Hong Kong Young Members Section Paper Contest 2002 with his paper "Novel Sub-harmonically Pumped Mixers Incorporating Spiral Compact Microstrip Resonant Cells for Low Cost Wireless Communications Subsystems". The eight finalists in the contest are all PhD students, except Kenji.



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