
正在显示 11 至 20 笔资料(共 43 笔资料)
Twelve students from the Division of Language Studies (LS) received scholarships at the 3rd Korean Scholarship Award Ceremony, 18 May. They will be sponsored to take a four-week intensive Korean Language and Culture Programme at the Kyung Hee University this summer.
On 27th, March, CityU students excelled once again in the 6th Intervarsity Putonghua Recitation Contest.
對法語濃厚的興趣和持續不懈的努力為一批成績優異的學生在4月24日的城大第四屆法語頒獎典禮上贏得了法國駐香港總領事館和勃艮弟大學( Universite de Bourgogne)頒發的各種獎項。
Rarely has a cultural festival exuded so much energy and zest in its opening ceremony. On 29 March, the "Hanbok Exhibition" opened in CityU's Run Run Shaw Library not only with a static display of the exquisite Korean national costume, but also a dynamic and potent demonstration of the traditional Korean martial art, Tae Kwon Do. Students and staff were given a sample of the Korean culture, from two different sides.
Four students taking elective French courses at City University's Division of Language Studies gained valuable experience and self-confidence by participating in the first ever French speech-writing contest organized by the Consulate-General of France in Hong Kong.



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