
正在显示 61 至 70 笔资料(共 70 笔资料)
數學系的菲立普希阿雷講座教授,獲羅馬尼亞布加勒斯特大學頒授Doctor Honoris Causa榮譽博士學位,以表揚他在研究及學術領域上的卓越成就。
CityU scores first place in the number and level of grant awards in the “Electrical and Electronic Engineering”and “Mathematics”disciplines in the 2004-05 Competitive Earmarked Research Grants exercise.
The International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications at City University 28-31 May, 2004, attracted numerous prominent academics of the mathematics world.
CityU and the University of Paris Dauphine signed a cooperation agreement on 13 May to launch a joint Master of Science in Mathematics for Finance and Actuarial Science degree--the first of its kind in Hong Kong.
Six undergraduate students from the Department of Mathematics have won awards in a mainland national contest. The annual contest organized by the China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM) in September this year, attracted 3,800 team-entrants from top universities throughout the country. CityU students entered the event as two teams and eventually obtained two awards: a first-class ranking and a second-class ranking.
Six undergraduate students from the Department of Mathematics have won awards in a mainland national contest. The annual contest organized by the China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM) in September this year, attracted 3,800 team-entrants from top universities throughout the country. CityU students entered the event as two teams and eventually obtained two awards: a first-class ranking and a second-class ranking.
本校大學傑出教授斯梅爾(Stephen Smale)博士獲俄羅斯科學院屬下應用天文研究院以其名字為一顆編號10287的小行星命名。



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