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香港城市大學物理及材料科學系哲學博士研究生 ── 何沛怡與Peter Ha Cao-thang,榮獲由長江集團及澳洲政府共同設立的「長江澳洲毅進獎」,分別在澳洲與本港進行有關等離子體及類金剛石碳塗層的應用研究,再次證明城大在材料科學研究上的卓越成就。
A Seminar entitled "Fifteen Years after Public Sector Reform: Hong Kong's Public Management in Perspective" was held at CityU, 5 February, provoking thoughtful discussion on public sector reforms among the speakers and the audience of 160 participants from the Civil Service, private sector, and academia.
Ricky Fu, a final year PhD research student in the Department of Physics and Materials Science, was honoured with an Excellent Young Scientist Paper Award at the 2004 Chinese Materials Researach Conference, held 22 to 26 November in Beijing.
Two CityU enterprises have been recognized for excellence in industrial performance. e.Energy Technology Ltd and Plasma Technology Ltd were awarded at the presentation ceremony of the 2004 Hong Kong Awards for Industry, 15 November.
Marking CityU's 20th anniversary, a seminar entitled "Hong Kong Governance 1984-2004: Continuity and Change" was held on 1 November, 2004.
CityU’s Associate Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (FHS), Dr Joshua Mok, will lead the newly established Centre for East Asian Studies (CEAS) at Bristol University, in January 2005, and embark on a new trilateral partnership among UK, the mainland and Hong Kong.



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