
正在显示 21 至 30 笔资料(共 42 笔资料)
Today, in the first ever open forum for staff by a serving Council Chairman, Sir Gordon Wu laid out his plans for the University over the next few years: to situate the new Community College on campus, to map out a campus development plan to meet future growth of student numbers, and to improve management and staff interaction and co-operation.
對法語濃厚的興趣和持續不懈的努力為一批成績優異的學生在4月24日的城大第四屆法語頒獎典禮上贏得了法國駐香港總領事館和勃艮弟大學( Universite de Bourgogne)頒發的各種獎項。
Three hundred students and guests applauded the slogan "Reading for fun, I'll do it", at the Opening Ceremony of "World Book Day" and "2004 Hong Kong Reading Month" on 23 April at CityU's University Circle. The Ceremony was co-organized by CityU, RTHK Radio 1, the Hong Kong Publishing Federation, Hong Kong Education City, The Hong Kong Association of Youth Groups, and Hong Kong Public Libraries (Leisure and Cultural Services Department).
How can Hong Kong enhance its appeal to tourists? By re-vamping its cultural heritage sites, or by exploring new attractions? The first batch of Associate Degree students majoring in Leisure and Tourism Management presented how to market Hong Kong as a tourist attraction at the final year project exhibition, 21-23 April.
城大跟美國康奈爾大學、明尼蘇達州聖瑪利大學、澳洲南昆士 蘭大學、加拿大薩里遜山大學以及英國雅禮大學等著名學府一般,積極推行全人教育,更是香港首家提倡「全人教育」的大學之一。
2004年元月5日,城大法律學院的學生與世界各地的28個隊伍一起獲選參加4月10日至17日於法國舉辦的瓊•皮克泰特競賽的英語賽場比賽。今年申請參賽的隊伍有79個。城大參賽小組是第一個參加該競賽的中國小組,成員包括法律學榮譽學士學生Beverly Koo, Yvonne Pang和Nicky Sai Hang Tse。



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