
正在显示 31 至 38 笔资料(共 38 笔资料)
City University, PCCW Business eSolutions and Sun Microsystems have joined forces to research web-based 3D collaborative technologies under a University-Industry Collaboration Programme backed by the government's Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF).
CityU has adopted the EMC E-Infostructure, a centralized and consolidated storage system with a capacity of seven terabytes, to manage its ever-growing information demands on teaching, administration and research. The new system, which will accommodate CityU's 25,000 users, is the largest academic networked information infrastructure in Hong Kong.
A project initiated by CityU will provide SMEs in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region with the tools and resources needed to improve their productivity and competitive advantage, according to Mr Peter Lo, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Association. Mr Lo was giving the keynote speech at the inauguration ceremony of the University's Product Lifecycle Management Competency Unit (PLMCU) on 17 September.
What it's about? The story begins with an email sent to the author by a middle-aged couple he has never met asking him to give them some hints on what to see and do on their first trip to Hong Kong. In appreciation of his help, they send him a gift: Sherman Lee's classic A History of Far Eastern Art. Flicking through the book, Winchester is struck by ..



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