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The FSE Summer Day Camp offers secondary school students a chance to experience what learning at university level is like.
How can Hong Kong enhance its appeal to tourists? By re-vamping its cultural heritage sites, or by exploring new attractions? The first batch of Associate Degree students majoring in Leisure and Tourism Management presented how to market Hong Kong as a tourist attraction at the final year project exhibition, 21-23 April.
近年,由於越來越多研究強調奧米加三脂肪酸對人體的重要,市面上出現了不少含有這種成分的健康食品。DHA( 二十二碳文稀酸)是奧米加三脂肪酸中的一個主要成員,由於得到傳媒廣泛宣傳為有助嬰兒腦部發育,又可保護成年人的血液循環系統,已被視為有助提高聰慧的元素。
Around 40 students of the Division of Social Studies (DSS), who participated in a 10-day trip to Taipei and Beijing, shared their experiences on 12 March. The trip was a soul-searching journey during which students compared youth behaviour of Hong Kong, Taipei and Beijing, and reflected on their own roles in society.
With the Hong Kong community busy preparing for the District Election on 23 November, the City University of Hong Kong Press launched a timely new title—Political Consequences of Electoral Systems: The Hong Kong Proportional Representation System—on 18 November. The book outlines the development of electoral systems in Hong Kong.
Professor Michael Yang of the Biology and Chemistry Department led a CityU research team to discover an anti-fibrosis and anti-cancer compound called "Fibroscutum" it was announced 3 July. The research project, based on experiments with Wei Jia, an existing Class 1 drug in China, was commissioned by LifeTec Group Limited (LifeTec).
Two CityU projects on nanomaterials and nanostructures, initiated by the Department of Physics and Materials Science, have received their fair share of funding support from the Research Grants Council (RGC) central allocation 2002-03.



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