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Two outstanding research projects clinch major Ministry of Education awards
CityU expert advocates Covid-19 vaccination for the community
香港城市大學(城大)賽馬會動物醫學及生命科學院院長、病毒學及健康一體化講座教授Nikolaus Osterrieder教授今日(6月3日)在香港高等研究院傑出講座系列中,發表題為「新冠疫苗接種─健康一體化的不二之選」的專題演講,建議香港市民把握時機接種新冠病毒疫苗,以達至體群免疫。
Prestigious Italian Honour of ‘Knight’ for CityU President Way Kuo
International award to CVMC
A hundred students and staff packed the Screening Room of the School of Creative Media (SCM) in the evening of 22 October. They were watching Night Corridor, an independent movie directed by SCM Assistant Professor Mr Julian Lee.
The summer of 2003 proved to be very rewarding for 40 Associate Degree students who participated in a nine-week career exposure programme that placed them in organizations such as the Society of Boys' Centre, Hong Kong Student Aid Society, and Princess Margaret Hospital. Most experiencing full-time work for the first time, the students found the programme an eye-opening in terms of career and personal development.
Two CityU enterprises have been recognized for excellence in industrial performance.
Two CityU enterprises have been recognized for excellence in industrial performance. DynaCity Technology (HK) Ltd, headed by Dr Sun Dong of the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management, and SoftEnable Technology Ltd, under the leadership of Professor Horace Ip of the Department of Computer Science, received the Machinery and Equipment Design Award, and the Certificate of Merit in Technological Achievement....
H.E. Mr Shotaro Oshima, Permanent Representative of Japan to the International Organizations in Geneva, honoured CityU with a visit to the WTO Dispute Resolution Centre (WTODR), accompanied by Consul (Economic Section) Daisaku Sugihara of the Consulate-General of Japan. This was the fourth visit by WTO representatives to the WTODR.
Which variables have been proven to cause the failure of an organization — discrimination based on ethnicity, or discrimination based on work values?



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