
正在显示 71 至 80 笔资料(共 101 笔资料)
The Faculty of Business has introduced a "First Year Learning Experience" programme to all first-year BBA students to help them address new challenges in the learning environment.
香港城市大學出版社於2月18日發行本港首本結合法文、廣東話及普通話三種語言的會話書【Guide Pratique de Conversation Français . Cantonais . Mandarin】。該書匯集了日常生活常用詞彙及流行用語,為法語國家、內地及香港的遊客、商務探訪人士及學生提供方便及易於使用的會話參考書。
香 港 城 大 學 出 版 社 1月 6 日 出 版 了 由 城 大 教 員 及 訪 問 學 者撰 寫 的 《 依 舊 悠 然 見 南 山 》 論 文 集。
What was life like in the old campus in Mongkok? What have been the University’s major milestones in the past two decades? And what does the future hold in store for us over the next 20 years?
A scholarly work,“Building Dilapidation and Rejuvenation in Hong Kong" newly published by the City University of Hong Kong Press, provides a holistic study of old buildings maintenance, urban planning and development issues.
The City University of Hong Kong Press exhibits 65 titles at the 15th annual Hong Kong Book Fair, 21-26 July 2004. Three of these were selected by book critics as among this year's "40 Good Books," and four are hot-off-the-press.
Promoting a reading culture in the community is one of the themes of CityU’s 20th anniversary celebration. Reaching beyond the campus, CityU academics joined hands with renowned scholars to share their secrets to learning English, at the Joint Publishing Company Art Gallery on 22 May.



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