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The Department of Management's Summer Internship Program 2002 placed 23 students in 17 organizations this year.
大學推出的「Campus Pipeline(校園信息管道,中文暫譯)--城大電子入門網站」,讓同學和同事按照自己的需要查閱資料。
CityU has adopted the EMC E-Infostructure, a centralized and consolidated storage system with a capacity of seven terabytes, to manage its ever-growing information demands on teaching, administration and research. The new system, which will accommodate CityU's 25,000 users, is the largest academic networked information infrastructure in Hong Kong.
The development of information technology at the University has reached a stage where, according to President H K Chang, a new position of Chief Information Officer is needed "to effectively pull the different pieces together."



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