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Twenty-three Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) students have formed two teams to enter the Robocon Hong Kong Contest -- Lovers' Reunion on 20 June. The winning team in the Hong Kong contest will represent Hong Kong at the ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2004 (ABU Robocon) in Seoul, Korea, in September.
太古可口可樂香港有限公司最近捐贈港幣十萬元予城大的Smart Asset Management (SAM) Laboratory,以支持該中心獨特的儀器測試與預測系統(Smart Asset Maintenance System (SAMS@))。
Mr Chiu Leung, a student from the Department of Electronic Engineering (EE), has won the championship of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., (IEEE) Hong Kong Undergraduate Student Paper Contest 2003.
CityU's Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management (MEEM) announced the Industry - MEEM Alliance Programme (I - MAP) enabling the department to enhance the competitiveness of industrial companies.
Two CityU enterprises have been recognized for excellence in industrial performance. DynaCity Technology (HK) Ltd, headed by Dr Sun Dong of the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management, and SoftEnable Technology Ltd, under the leadership of Professor Horace Ip of the Department of Computer Science, received the Machinery and Equipment Design Award, and the Certificate of Merit in Technological Achievement....
Two CityU enterprises have been recognized for excellence in industrial performance.
CityU researchers have scored almost one third of the total funding approved for the NSFC-RGC Joint Research Scheme 2003-04.
Representing Hong Kong in the 37th WorldSkills Competition held 19-22 June in Switzerland, CityU BEng (Hons) graduate, Mr Steward Yeung achieved the status of "Excellent," following quickly on the heels of becoming Champion in the Hong Kong Youth Skill Competition organized by the Vocational Training Council (VTC) in 2002.
The malfunctioning of the U-shaped water trap (U-trap), identified as one of the causes for the environmental transmission of the SARS virus at Amoy Gardens, has drawn public attention to the performance of the existing sewage and drainage systems in buildings.
CityU Enterprises Ltd, the extension arm of City University that helps to commercialize research outcomes, technologies and innovations through technology transfer and the development of viable businesses in the community, has welcomed two new companies in the past few months.



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