
正在显示 21 至 27 笔资料(共 27 笔资料)
About 50 pieces of Buddhist sculpture from the Northern, Sui, Tang, Liao and Song dynasties, and copies of Tang epitaphs are now on display in the exhibition "Compassion and Fascination: Ancient Chinese Buddhist Sculptures" at the CityU Gallery. The exhibition, organized by the Chinese Civilisation Centre, showcases selected works from among businessman Mr W Y Chang's vast private collection.
1月10日,校長與以Colin Lucas爵士為首的大學教育資助委員會「大學角色分工」專責小組會唔,並接獲城大的新角色宣言:
各位同事: 2004年是好的開始,是大學健步向前,爭取更大成就,贏取更多本地和國際認可的一年。
The education sector, Financial Secretary The Hon Henry Tang said, is not expected to meet the 11% across-the-board cut he proposed for all the other major 2005-08 outlays, to help the government tackle its growing budget deficits. He also promised that he will promptly discuss with Professor Arthur Li, Secretary for Manpower and Education, government allocations to the local universities in the 2005-08 triennium.



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