
正在显示 21 至 30 笔资料(共 42 笔资料)
The month of March offers us an opportunity to express caring for the needy as well as our loved ones. “Sharing Our Love for Wellness", the theme of this year's Wellness March, carries a strong message that love reaches beyond boundaries.
香港城市大學校長張信剛教授與巴基斯坦Riphah International University校長Anis Ahmad 教授於3月1日在城大舉行對談。
英文與傳播系將於2005年3月19日 (星期六),於英文與傳播系新媒體實驗室舉辦第二屆「新媒體工作坊暨比賽」,歡迎中六學生報名參加,發揮創意,展示實力。
Dear Colleagues and Students,
Medical representatives from the government, Legco and academia, gathered May 22 to discuss the need for the establishment of a regional disease surveillance centre in the territory to tackle the spread of infectious disease. The forum, "Lifting Hong Kong's Regional Status: The Establishment of a Regional Disease Surveillance Centre," was organized by CityU's APEC Study Centre.
CityU graduates have achieved encouraging job-seeking performance in 2002. An employment survey conducted by the University's Student Development Services (SDS) shows that, by the end of December last year, as many as 93.5% of its 2002 bachelor's degree programmes graduates, and 94% of its graduates from higher diploma and associate degree programmes have found jobs, started their own business or pursued further studies.



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