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CityU's Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management (MEEM) has signed a multi-million dollar agreement with Dassault Systemes and MTECH Engineering Co Ltd that will help boost innovation, productivity and competitiveness in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Pearl River Delta region.
A handbook for university students -- written by university students -- is now available at the First-Year Student Support Centre from 10 to 28 September.
Ada Chan Hiu Kei, a third-year student in the computer engineering stream of the Department of Electronic Engineering, wishes the industrial training programme in which she is participating could be longer than it is now. "I also think that the scheme should be extended to students from other faculties as well," she says.
To establish closer links and encourage mutual collaboration with local secondary schools, CityU for the fourth year organized the Teachers Update Course (TUC). From 19 June and from 27-29 June, TUC 2001 covered 12 sessions, including three new subjects: Chinese Language and Culture, Web Teaching and Teaching Enhancement. Other subjects, such as Biology, Chemistry, Computer Studies and the Use of English, are offered free of charge to the secondary school teachers by CityU academic staff.
It takes a lot to beat a leisurely stroll with your family or friends on a bright autumn morning when the air is cool and the sky is clear—especially if it's for a good cause. On 21 October, members of the CityU family will have the chance to do just that, when the Walkathon cum Fun Day will be held on campus. Staff, students, alumni, and their families and friends are all invited to join a 40-minute round-campus walk, organized to raise funds towards the construction of our student hostels.



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