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Professor Alfred Ho Tat-kei elected Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration
Hungary’s Foreign Minister analyses geopolitical concerns for Europe and China ahead of Belt and Road Summit at Distinguished Lecture at CityU
匈牙利外交與對外經濟部部長Péter Szijjártó先生於9月13日在城大主持傑出講座,內容重點圍繞匈牙利在高度複雜地緣政治壓力下,所面對的實體安全與經濟安全顧慮。
電子工程學系博士研究生Ahmed Sharif憑藉有關環保無鉛焊料的研究,於「2004年電子封裝國際會議」中獲頒青年獎,而Ahmed是唯一獲獎的香港學生。
The Centre for Electronic Packaging and Assemblies, Failure Analysis and Reliability Engineering (EPA Centre) was accredited in December 2003 by the Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) for its Ionic Analysis of Circuit Board, Ion Chromatography Method.
Once there were eight -- now CityU boasts nine Fellows of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the elite among the world's largest professional body of electronic engineers and scientists.
On 21 November, CityU's Centre for Electronic Packaging and Assemblies, Failure Analysis and Reliability Engineering (the EPA Centre) was accepted by the Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) as an Accredited Laboratory* under the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS). This is a CityU first.



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