
正在显示 121 至 130 笔资料(共 162 笔资料)
More than 140 hall residents joined the City-Youth Empowerment Project to give regular voluntary services to needy groups in the community. The project kicked off on 5 October, reinforcing the caring culture and social commitment of the University.
城大建築科技學部於9月6日至9日舉行解構 [ 建築.遊 ] 展覽2005,透過圖片、模型及短片,展示學生於6月到訪歐洲的海外學習體驗。
為了延續對南亞海嘯災民的關懷,應用社會科學系近二十名師生和校友組成籌委會,籌辦「愛南亞 重建家」計劃,希望在印尼亞齊省重建兒童之家,並將於今年暑假安排師生到災區考察及參與義務工作。
Some 160 pottery figures make their way to CityU, 6 September to 17 October, 2004. They parade the entrance of the Academic Building, grace the University Circle, and “speak” with the CityU community.
The Bicultural Self Symposium, co-organized by the Department of Applied Social Studies of the City University of Hong Kong and the Department of Psychology of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaigne, took place 16-17 August, 2004.
The City University of Hong Kong Press exhibits 65 titles at the 15th annual Hong Kong Book Fair, 21-26 July 2004. Three of these were selected by book critics as among this year's "40 Good Books," and four are hot-off-the-press.



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