
正在显示 11 至 20 笔资料(共 34 笔资料)
TechExpo 2001, the Division of Computer Studies' two-day extravaganza featuring 55 special projects of graduating students, was launched 11 May before an audience of more than 150 professionals, academics and students.
Dealings in TeleEye Holdings Ltd, of which City University of Hong Kong is a founding shareholder, commenced on 8 May on the Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.
Dressed in a grey t-shirt and blue jeans, Eddie Mak blends naturally with his fellow CityU students. But there is more underneath the laid-back exterior of this confident and talkative 21-year-old student. Mak is an experienced Web designer whose company, EO Design, is fast gaining a reputation for fine and innovative work.
In a display of the sort of technological wizardry that has shrunk our world over the past 10 years and injected new meaning into the words "global economics", CityU President Professor H K Chang and University of Washington President Professor Richard McCormick linked up by videoconference to inaugurate the Research Centre for International Economics (RCIE), a joint venture aimed at furthering economic research activities between the two universities.
For years, the thin gauze of atmosphere surrounding the earth hampered astronomers from studying the most distant stars in our cosmos. But the Hubble Space Telescope, fixed in the clarity of space, has lifted that veil. It is our outpost to the universe.
A documentary line produced by Ms Nancy Tong, Assistant Professor and Industry Liaison with the School of Creative Media (SCM), has won a Peabody Award, the most renowned prize in broadcast journalism. HBO's Cancer: Evolution to Revolution won the award for the informative and positive way the programme deals with cancer.



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