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CityU's top students have been awarded scholarships, prizes and donations valued at more than $4 million for outstanding performances in academics, sports, art, and services last year.
As cost-conscious consumers, we are all deeply interested in knowing how far we can stretch our dollars-and whether we are getting value for all the money we are spending.
Hundreds of students packed CityU's Lecture Theatre 6 to attend a seminar on education by guest speaker Professor Steven N S Cheung, formerly of the University of Hong Kong, on 26 March.
If you think that teaching is the only thing teachers do these days, think again. Because one of the hottest and most challenging issues facing educators, particularly university professors and lecturers, is the task of motivating students to explore lifelong learning.
Eighteen Student Ambassadors have been recruited this year to continue promoting the University's image while enhancing community relations through learning and serving. "They are not just representing our University--they are our University," said Professor Edmond Ko, Vice-President of Education and one of the programme advisors, at the fourth Student Ambassadors Inauguration Ceremony on 5 March.
Linkage has been around for 200 issues. In order to understand our readers better, we invited colleagues to complete a readers' survey to tell us what they think about Linkage and how to make further improvements. A total of 44 staff gave us feedback and suggestions, which we really appreciate.
Linkage celebrated its 200th anniversary less than three weeks ago. The University Publications Office threw an open house party and a few dozen old friends and new acquaintances ambled into our office late one Friday afternoon.
What the future may hold for universities has been a hot topic for discussion these past few years, especially since the Internet began to dominate our lives. Advances in technology have caused many to question the relevance of the traditional role universities have played in our society...



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