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Prominent business leaders support CityU’s highly successful exhibition gallery
城大於11月5日把展覽館命名為「般哥展覽館」,以感謝哈利.般哥先生及太太Indra Banga對城大的支持和慷慨捐助。
Concertgoers were treated to a fine evening of Mozart on 24 February as the City University Philharmonic Orchestra performed its annual concert at the Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts.
Creativity and a keen interest in the deep cultural traditions of Europe have earned prizes for two CityU students at the University's First Web Contest on Europe.
CityU is showcasing its strength in teaching and research at the Education and Careers Expo 2002, currently on display at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre until February 24.
CityU's annual cultural festival is kicking off this year with an exhibition of ethnic costumes and silverware from nine Chinese minority groups.
One of the world's foremost Chinese cultural scholars, Professor Leo Lee, was an honoured guest last month of CityU, where he delivered three lectures on humanities and Chinese culture.
Officials from one of Australian's top universities spent five days at CityU in January to explore collaboration opportunities in the areas of undergraduate education, curriculum development, research, and student exchange.



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