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The Language Engineering Laboratory led by Professor (Chair) William S Y Wang in CityU's Department of Electronic Engineering, and the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, is collaborating with the Santa Fe Institute (SFI) on studies of the emergence of language.
CityU's Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management (MEEM) announced the Industry - MEEM Alliance Programme (I - MAP) enabling the department to enhance the competitiveness of industrial companies.
Marking Shenzhen University's 20th anniversary, Professor (Chair) Peter Malanczuk of CityU's School of Law was invited by Dean Xinping Ye of the College of Law to deliver a lecture on CEPA, 15 November, at the special Joint Conference held by the International Law Society of Guangdong Province and the Society of Law of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
CityU's strategic and productive partnership with industry experienced a quantum leap today when the University's Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) received donations totaling HK$4 million from a group of distinguished industrialists.
Kind hearts, stamina, and dedication -- not to mention excellent professional social work training -- have won two CityU graduates Junior Outstanding Social Worker Awards at the 11th Outstanding Social Worker Award ceremonies.
According to the woman everyone around here calls Auntie Cheung, the Oi Man Manor of Education was built entirely on local resources and the sweat and toil of area workers.



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