
正在显示 31 至 40 笔资料(共 43 笔资料)
一月底,校長張信剛教授與美國華盛頓州立大學校長Richard McCormick教授透過視像會議方式,打破時空界限,共同為國際經濟研究中心合作計劃主持揭幕儀式。
Since its establishment in 2000, CityU's Institute of Chinese Linguistics (ICL) has undertaken a number of research projects utilizing the collective expertise of the staff associated with the institute. One of these projects involves research in the specific context of Chinese language mediated e-commerce. Dr Matthew Lee, Head of the Department of Information Systems (IS), is working with colleagues from the ICL on this groundbreaking project.
Hong Kong's first formal institute dedicated to research on Southeast Asia was officially opened by the banging of a ceremonial gong by CityU President, Professor H K Chang, and Professor Wang Gungwu, a world authority on Southeast Asian studies. Guests, including the Consuls-General of Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Myanmar, and the Deputy Commissioner of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs...
In a display of the sort of technological wizardry that has shrunk our world over the past 10 years and injected new meaning into the words "global economics", CityU President Professor H K Chang and University of Washington President Professor Richard McCormick linked up by videoconference to inaugurate the Research Centre for International Economics (RCIE), a joint venture aimed at furthering economic research activities between the two universities.



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