Services & Facilities

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    Smart Campus and AV
    High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Research Computing
    Application and Data Management
    Administrative Information Management System (AIMS), Student Information System & Database, etc
    Application and Data Management


    Application and Data Management


    Software Licenses and Deployment
    Application and Data Management
    Account and Access Management
    Printing and Scanning Facilities
    Communication and Collaboration
    Account and Access Management
    Application and Data Management
    Application and Data Management
    Application and Data Management
    User Support
    Cloud, Data Centre and Server Hosting
    End User Computing and Desktop Management
    End User Computing and Desktop Management
    End User Computing and Desktop Management


    Application and Data Management
    End User Computing and Desktop Management
    Application and Data Management
    End User Computing and Desktop Management
    Cloud, Data Centre and Server Hosting
    Network Connectivity and Management


    Application and Data Management
    End User Computing and Desktop Management
    IT Security
    Anti-virus, UEBA, etc
    End User Computing and Desktop Management


    Teaching and Learning Support
    Application and Data Management
    Teaching and Learning Support


    High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Research Computing


    Teaching and Learning Support
    End User Computing and Desktop Management
    Encrypting email & documents with Microsoft Information Protection
    Network Connectivity and Management
    User Communication and Training
    User Communication and Training
    User Support
    Requesting IT assistance through the service desk, hotline, email, web, etc


    Teaching and Learning Support
    Teaching and Learning Support


    Communication and Collaboration
    End User Computing and Desktop Management
    Communication and Collaboration
    Application and Data Management
    End User Computing and Desktop Management
    Account and Access Management
    Printing and Scanning Facilities


    Cloud, Data Centre and Server Hosting


    Network Connectivity and Management
    Network Connectivity and Management
    User Communication and Training
    End User Computing and Desktop Management
    Teaching and Learning Support
    End User Computing and Desktop Management


    Teaching and Learning Support
    IT Security
    User Support
    End User Computing and Desktop Management
    Printing and Scanning Facilities


    End User Computing and Desktop Management
    Remotely login to campus PC
    Application and Data Management
    End User Computing and Desktop Management


    Printing and Scanning Facilities
    Account and Access Management
    Cloud, Data Centre and Server Hosting
    End User Computing and Desktop Management
    High-speed shared network drive with regular backup
    Communication and Collaboration
    Communication and Collaboration
    Software Licenses and Deployment
    Software Licenses and Deployment
    Web Hosting


    End User Computing and Desktop Management
    Communication and Collaboration


    Communication and Collaboration
    Microsoft 365 & Google Workspace for staff, students, alumni, & friends
    Account and Access Management
    End User Computing and Desktop Management


    Communication and Collaboration
    Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Room-based Systems, etc.
    Teaching and Learning Support
    Online Teaching & Online Learning using Zoom
    End User Computing and Desktop Management
    Network Connectivity and Management


    Account and Access Management
    Network Connectivity and Management

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