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Enterprise Solutions Office

+852 3442-0282

API Gateway and API Management

for Staff

The Application Programming Interface (API) gateway provides a standardised platform for internal and external applications to communicate and exchange data.  The platform comes with pre-built and out-of-box connectors to various IT systems.  It also allows Central IT to build reusable APIs  in different IT systems so to inter-connect and integrate them for seamless experience.  For example, an Internet-of-thing (IoT) occupancy sensor may trigger updating of bookings in venue booking system, and at the same time pushed a notification to the user's mobile app.

These APIs, either out-of-the-box or home-grown, could also be listed in a portal and development community at CityU may reuse them by subscription.  Security control is bolt-in during design and APIs are secured by API keys, secrets, or OAuth v2 tokens.

The Enterprise Solutions Office (ESU) is currently managing the API Gateway and the Management Platform.