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Hi President - A Dialogue with the President
Three venture capital funds and technology companies join HK Tech 300
城大與三間創投基金及科技企業簽署備忘錄,建立共同投資合作夥伴關係,額外向獲甄選的「HK Tech 300」的初創公司,合共提供每年至少1,500萬港元的天使投資。
Prof Sun Tong
CityU launches 1st nationwide HK Tech 300 Start-up Competition to promote start-up entrepreneurship in Hong Kong and mainland China Add to Default shortcuts Primary tabs
為進一步促進香港與內地的科創發展,實行「以賽促創」,城大宣佈於全國推出第一屆「HK Tech 300創新創業千萬大賽」。
Exemplary faculty honoured for excellence in teaching
"I dreamed of studying abroad since I was a child," said Nicole Choi, final year student in the School of Creative Media. "Not only did I realize my dream, but I have reaffirmed my career goal of being a movie director." Nicole has just returned to campus after completing a four-month exchange programme in Carnegie Mellon University's School of Drama (CMU).
About 50 pieces of Buddhist sculpture from the Northern, Sui, Tang, Liao and Song dynasties, and copies of Tang epitaphs are now on display in the exhibition "Compassion and Fascination: Ancient Chinese Buddhist Sculptures" at the CityU Gallery. The exhibition, organized by the Chinese Civilisation Centre, showcases selected works from among businessman Mr W Y Chang's vast private collection.
1月10日,校長與以Colin Lucas爵士為首的大學教育資助委員會「大學角色分工」專責小組會唔,並接獲城大的新角色宣言:
各位同事: 2004年是好的開始,是大學健步向前,爭取更大成就,贏取更多本地和國際認可的一年。



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