
正在顯示 11 至 20 筆資料(共 22 筆資料)
Director of feature film "The Big Fix" (1978) and TV series "Ally McBeal" (1997), among others, USC Professor Jeremy Kagan ran a Directing Intensive course at CityU's School of Creative Media, 3 to 13 August 2004.
Professor Tracy Fullerton and Professor Chris Swain, researchers and teachers of game design at the School of Cinema-Television of the University of Southern California, ran a three-week intensive, hands-on game design course at CityU's School of Creative Media, to 7 July 2004.
School of Creative Media postgraduate student members of the Readers Club, brainchild of SCM Professor Liu Zhi-Qiang, meet to hammer out ideas on philosophy, history, religion and cultural studies.
Students of CityU's School of Creative Media (SCM) are making their mark on the local and the international scene. Hamlet Lin Yiu-bong and Chan Tze-him, year three and year two SCM students respectively, showcased their media production and creative narration skills in the recent Radio Hong Kong Television (RTHK) Putonghua Festival Short Movie Contest.
As Ms Caroline Hu Yee-man, a student in the School of Creative Media (SCM), rides through the city of Hong Kong on a ding ding (tram), memories and reflections are captured in her nine-minute experimental film, ReMembrance, which won her the Best Experimental Award in the 6th New York University International Student Film Festival (ISFF).
A cool and calm figure in stylishly somber black, the curator of Third Text: images + media 03* in the School of Creative Media (SCM), Mr Ip Yuk-Yiu escapes from an office brimming with color. He guides me through the portal of the exhibit — I am about to enter a hi-tech zone, an esoteric womb of wonders that seem like science fiction. Here, in a disorienting cacophony of dramatic piano music, beeping, droning and announcements, Mr Ip takes me to the cutting edge.
A team of three CityU students has won two prizes in this year's Creative Awards Presentation organized by the Association of Accredited Advertising Agents in Hong Kong, or Hong Kong 4As.
Materials ranging from metal and cloth to wood and ropes and plastic were used to illustrate the artists' views of life in an exhibition showcasing the artwork of 27 first and second year students from CityU's School of Creative Media.



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