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UN-endorsed CityU project on monitoring global estuaries
Top 100 Worldwide Universities Granted US Patents
香港城市大學(城大)於6月15日再度入選美國國家發明家科學院(National Academy of Inventors)全球頂尖100所獲頒最多美國專利的大學,在2020年全球位列第51位,是歷年最佳排名;亦是連續五年排名冠絕本地大學。
Two outstanding research projects clinch major Ministry of Education awards
CityU expert advocates Covid-19 vaccination for the community
香港城市大學(城大)賽馬會動物醫學及生命科學院院長、病毒學及健康一體化講座教授Nikolaus Osterrieder教授今日(6月3日)在香港高等研究院傑出講座系列中,發表題為「新冠疫苗接種─健康一體化的不二之選」的專題演講,建議香港市民把握時機接種新冠病毒疫苗,以達至體群免疫。
Researchers from the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics and the Faculty Laboratory Centre were awarded the largest single CERG ($1.5m) in the Humanities, Social Sciences & Business Studies panel to develop an example-based machine translation (EBMT) system for the specialized language of legislation and legal documents. Their timely investigation will help to address the growing demand for bilingual legal texts as Hong Kong converts to a bilingual legal system.



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