
正在顯示 21 至 30 筆資料(共 38 筆資料)
城大創意媒體學院應屆畢業生在校園舉行名為「Medialogue: 7.05cm」的作品展,展示逾60位應屆畢業同學的作品。
今天是情人節,由創意媒體學院師生製作的「小城大話」(”Small City Big Talk”) 網上電台推出情人節特備節目,為大學教職員、學生、校友以及大眾安排點唱,向至愛表達心聲。
Director of feature film "The Big Fix" (1978) and TV series "Ally McBeal" (1997), among others, USC Professor Jeremy Kagan ran a Directing Intensive course at CityU's School of Creative Media, 3 to 13 August 2004.
Professor Tracy Fullerton and Professor Chris Swain, researchers and teachers of game design at the School of Cinema-Television of the University of Southern California, ran a three-week intensive, hands-on game design course at CityU's School of Creative Media, to 7 July 2004.
The "Writing Machine Collective" from 17 July to 7 August 2004 in 1a Space, Cattle Depot Artist Village, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, showcases the works of new media artists from CityU's School of Creative Media.
From 2 to 12 July 2004 at CityU, "Medialogue: 7.04cm" features over 60 multimedia works by School of Creative Media graduates. An extension of the Show, "Medialogue PLUS @ Club X", jointly organized with LCX and Club X, takes place 16 July to 1 August, at Club X –LCX, Level 3, Ocean Terminal, Harbour City, Kowloon.
School of Creative Media postgraduate student members of the Readers Club, brainchild of SCM Professor Liu Zhi-Qiang, meet to hammer out ideas on philosophy, history, religion and cultural studies.



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