
正在顯示 41 至 50 筆資料(共 50 筆資料)
數學系的菲立普希阿雷講座教授,獲羅馬尼亞布加勒斯特大學頒授Doctor Honoris Causa榮譽博士學位,以表揚他在研究及學術領域上的卓越成就。
CityU scores first place in the number and level of grant awards in the “Electrical and Electronic Engineering”and “Mathematics”disciplines in the 2004-05 Competitive Earmarked Research Grants exercise.
CityU and the University of Paris Dauphine signed a cooperation agreement on 13 May to launch a joint Master of Science in Mathematics for Finance and Actuarial Science degree--the first of its kind in Hong Kong.
A forum stimulating reflection upon the role of universities in secondary education curriculum reforms kicked off CityU’s Teachers Update Course (TUC), 12 May. More than 80 secondary school principals and teachers, and 40 CityU staff members attended to celebrate the event. TUC is a professional development programme CityU offers secondary school principals and teachers to update their knowledge on subject content and pedagogy.
A delegation from the Education and Manpower Bureau (EMB), HKSAR, explained the to-be-implemented "3 + 3" structure in secondary education to some 40 CityU staff members, on March 13, in a meeting organized by the University's Education Development Office (EDO). There was discussion on its subsequent impact on university intake and admission at the end of the briefing session.



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