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Mr C Raj Kumar, Deputy Director of City University's WTO Law and Dispute Resolution Centre and lecturer in the School of Law, has been awarded a research grant by Japan's Sumitomo Foundation. Mr Kumar's grant was in the category of Fiscal 2002 Grant for Japan-Related Research Projects. The title of his research topic is: "Corruption and Human Rights-Promoting Transparency in Governance in Hong Kong, Japan and India".
香港城市大學法律學院新設立的世界貿易組織法與爭端解決中心(WTO Law and Dispute Resolution Centre,以下簡稱WTODR中心),於2002年1月正式成立,是亞太區獨有的研究中心。該中心主任馬培德講座教授(Professor Peter Malanczuk)表示,世界貿易組織(世貿)的法例和貿易爭端解決方法,以及兩者之間的聯繫是該中心的主要研究重點。
City University of Hong Kong's School of Law (SLW) played host to the second WTO ambassador to visit the School this year when Ambassador Dr Toufiq Ali, Bangladesh Permanent Representative to the WTO, called on the School on 12 February. "It's a good experience to visit Hong Kong where I can look at how people have adjusted to the new situation in Hong Kong and China from an economic perspective," said Ambassador Ali, who currently chairs the WTO's Committee on Trade and Development.



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