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New CityU student hostel set to enrich student experience, promoting diversity; innovative technologies reduce construction period
President granted management medal
城大校長暨大學傑出教授郭位於12月3日獲台灣的管理科學學會(Chinese Management Association)頒贈管理獎章。
HK Tech Forum on Metabolism in Health and Disease
城大於12月15至16日舉行HK Tech Forum系列的「代謝──健康與疾病」論壇,匯聚著名學者,探討多種代謝途徑的複雜信號通路。
Donation from Ms Chau Sin-wo
HK Tech 300 signs MoU with Pacific Coffee
城大於12月13日與Pacific Coffee聯合宣佈,雙方將攜手合作,共同營造香港的創新創業氛圍及創科發展,其中,Pacific Coffee多間分店將為城大的大型創新創業計劃HK Tech 300提供場地,於各區舉行創科交流活動,推動創科發展。
5th HK Tech Forum investigates quantum physics and complex systems
城大香港高等研究院於12月7日至9日舉行HK Tech Forum系列的量子物理及複雜系統論壇,匯聚頂尖學者及業界研究員。
In an effort to strengthen its academic ties with universities and research institutes, City University of Hong Kong President, Professor H K Chang, is leading a CityU delegation to the mainland. The visit runs from 23 to 28 April.
The College's Division of Language Studies (LS) received a donation of $100,000 from Soka Gakkai International of Hong Kong Ltd at a presentation ceremony held at CityU on 18 April.
A television documentary produced by a professor at the School of Creative Media (SCM) has won a prestigious Peabody Award, the most renowned prize in broadcast journalism.



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