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CityU new structured thermal armour achieves liquid cooling above 1,000°C; solves challenge presented by Leidenfrost effect since 1756
Four CityU projects awarded $20m
Excellent faculty lead CityU into world’s top 10 young universities
在全球著名學術出版機構《施普林格─自然》(Springer Nature)最新公佈的「自然指數─年輕大學2021」(Nature Index 2021 Young Universities)排名中,城大在全球頂尖年輕大學中位列第七,反映城大的實力再次獲國際肯定。
$4m donation launches Bright Future Engineering Talent Hub for STEM education
Contemporary Chinese culture was put under the microscope, dissected, and found to be in reasonably good health heading into the next 100 years by Professor Liu Zai-fu, a Visiting Professor at CityU's Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics.
The inaugural CityU Distinguished Lecture, Prospects for Chinese Culture in the 21st Century, struck a sympathetic chord in an audience that has often struggled with the clash of Western and Chinese traditions.
Five of the region's most prominent citizens have been appointed to the Council of CityU, effective 1 January 2001. The appointments, for terms ranging from two to three years, were made by Chief Executive Mr Tung Chee-hwa.
CityU Professor Judy Tsui has been appointed to the Council of the Hong Kong Society of Accountants (HKSA) as a co-opted member, and will serve until mid-December this year.



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