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Organized for the fourth year by the Offices of Institutional Advancement, the Teachers Update Course (TUC) 2001 will be held on 19 June and on 27-29 June at CityU. Among the 12 sessions to be covered this year are three new subjects: Chinese Language & Culture, Web Teaching and Teaching Enhancement. Other subjects include Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics/Statistics, Computer Studies, Economics and Finance, Principles of Accounts, Use of English and Student Counselling.
Professor Zhang Longxi of CityU responded to the SCMP article on Gao's visit to Hong Kong (2 February 2001) Nobel Prize winner GAO used to fewer restrictions in his adopted home of France (1 February 2001, SCMP)
Universities today face a number of challenges. Changing societal needs, rising expectations about education, economic developments, and technological advances all help shape the role of academic institutions.
公共及社會行政學系三年級學生彭三集(左圖),去年在澳洲梅鐸大學(Murdoch University)就讀七個月。期間他結識了很多不同國籍的新朋友,學會了如何尊重其他文化的價值,亦發覺自己比以前更加獨立。
The development of information technology at the University has reached a stage where, according to President H K Chang, a new position of Chief Information Officer is needed "to effectively pull the different pieces together."



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