
正在顯示 61 至 66 筆資料(共 66 筆資料)
The scientist who coined the term "quarks" to describe the fundamental building blocks of nature delivered a lecture on the simple and the complex in the universe at the Faculty of Science and Engineering's Distinguished Lecture Series.
One of the leading experts in steel structures believes that in the wake of the World Trade Centre (WTC) attacks in September 2001, teaching building and engineering students how to analyse the behaviour of structures is very important.
The chances of a major fire in one of Hong Kong's skyscrapers are remote. Regular drills, state-of-the-art fire fighting systems and a regiment of highly-trained firemen mean the kind of fire Paul Newman had to deal with in the film Towering Inferno is unlikely.
One of the mainland's top State Council researchers told a CityU seminar on 1 February that China's World Trade Organization (WTO) membership will breed new economic opportunities as well as a number of stresses for the country.



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