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University Welcoming Ceremony
Olympian Grace Lau's triumphant return to alma mater
Tung Biomedical Sciences Centre
CityU to confer honorary doctorates on two distinguished persons
城大將頒授榮譽博士學位予熱拉爾.穆胡教授及袁國強博士, GBM,SC,JP,以表彰他們對教育及社會福祉作出的重大貢獻。
HSBC GBA (Hong Kong) Scholarship Awardees
CityU advocates excellence in academics and sports and congratulates alumna Lau Mo-sheung on winning the Bronze medal in Karate in the Tokyo Olympics
CityU Olympian Lau Mo-sheung
Warm welcome for non-local students
City University of Hong Kong is rated seventh among the top 10 Chinese universities in the Greater China area, covering the mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. In the same study by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, CityU ranks 332 in the top 500 universities worldwide, the third highest Hong Kong institution on the list.
A select group of 107 form seven students recently had their very first taste of university life thanks to the Business Leadership Camp organized by the Faculty of Business. The camp was held 27 and 28 June, one week before the release of Hong Kong's Advanced Level Examination results. The participants were impressed by the academic excellence of the Faculty and of CityU. Many expressed an interest in joining the Faculty in September.



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